A video installation of Transplant (above) was part of The Patient, a compelling exhibition exploring the human experience of illness, disease and ultimately death. It showed at UNSW Galleries in Sydney, Australia in 2016 before touring the country for 2 yeears. Curated by Rebecca Dean, the exhibition examines the representation of medical patients in contemporary art and artists themselves as medical subjects through a wide range of media including video, installation, performance and virtual reality works by 18 leading artists from six countries.

Dean describes the exhibition as “fearless, funny, painfully beautiful and unlovely”, saying the exhibition aims to examine the ways artists engage with powerful human experiences in the fields of health, biological science and medicine. “The artists in this exhibition deepen our own enquiries into the actual stuff of illness and disease, death and life – how they manifest viscerally and psychologically as well as socially and politically.”
Participating artists: Ingrid Bachmann (Canada), John A Douglas (Australia), Brenton Heath-Kerr (Aus), Carol Jerrems (Aus), Eugenie Lee (Korea/Aus), David McDiarmid (Aus), Helen Pynor (Aus/UK), Jo Spence (UK), ORLAN (France), John Wynne (Can/UK) & Tim Wainwright (Aus/UK), Bob Flanagan & Sheree Rose (US), and Guy Ben-Ary (US/Aus) with Nathan Thompson, Andrew Fitch, Douglas Bakkum, Stuart Hodgetts, Mike Edel.

The Transplant video installation in Gallery 1313, Toronto, in 2008 (above).

Transplant installed as part of the Sound as a Medium of Art exhibition at the ZKM Centre for Art and Media, Germany.